Friday, September 26, 2008

Fare thee well


Summer’s come to an end. In four months, I embarked on my first road trip, moved to another state, traded an apartment for a trailer with roommates, turned 32, and spent many, many days being outside – outside working, outside playing. I lived on well under $20 a day, ate more beef in one season than I’ve probably consumed in my life up till this point, learned that trailer living in a hail storm is a hoot, discovered that wildlife majors can’t bowl, went to a $2 movie, tried (and loved!) kuchen, played weekly volleyball, witnessed a bi-annual blasting at Crazy Horse, attempted to catch leopard frogs with nothing but my bare hands and lightning reflexes (yeah, right), became a huge fan of moose meat, startled a moose on a hike, introduced goat curry to a rancher, chased a porcupine, excavated a bison skull, and uncovered a fondness for rodents.

My final nod to South Dakota: Demolition Derby in Rapid City! Then, it’s the 1700+ mile journey back to the northeast.
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